Gewinde Ø9/16" (Ø14,3 mm)
Dieser Artikel ist ein Pedalpaar für ein Heimtrainer, aufrecht oder liegend, für Fitnessstudios oder Privatpersonen. Es wurde entwickelt, um Stabilität und Komfort während des Trainings zu bieten. Diese Pedale bieten dank ihrer hochwertigen Kugellager und Materialien einen sicheren Sitz und eine reibungslose Bewegung. Darüber hinaus sorgen Sie mit der Anleitung zur Gewindemessung für eine korrekte und sichere Installation.
1. Vorbereitung: Entfernen Sie das vorhandene Pedal vom Fahrrad, damit das Achsgewinde gemessen werden kann.
2. Notwendiges Werkzeug: Sie benötigen ein präzises Messgerät oder Lineal.
3. Durchmesser messen: Legen Sie die Lehre oder das Lineal auf die breiteste Stelle des Pedalschaftgewindes (den Gewindeabschnitt). Messen Sie den Gewindedurchmesser in Millimetern.
4. Auslegung der Maßnahme:
Wenn der gemessene Durchmesser etwa 14,3 mm beträgt, dann ist das Gewinde 9/16 ".
Wenn der gemessene Durchmesser ungefähr 12,7 mm beträgt, ist das Gewinde 1/2 ".
5. Bestätigung: Überprüfen Sie die Kompatibilität des neuen Pedals mit der vor der Installation erhaltenen Messung.
Farbe: Schwarz.
Pedalkörpermaterial: Polypropylen (PP).
Riemen: PVC, verstellbar durch ein Reißverschlusssystem zur Anpassung an verschiedene Fußgrößen.
Pedalgröße: 135 mm x 135 mm.
Armbandgröße: 325 mm x 52 mm.
Schaftmaterial: Bronze (Br.on), ein Material, das eine ausgezeichnete Haltbarkeit und Festigkeit bietet.
Lager: Kugellager, das für ein sanftes und effizientes Drehen des Pedals sorgt.
Wellengewinde: Ø1/2" (Ø12,7mm)
Gesamtgewicht: 1122 Gramm pro Paar, was darauf hinweist, dass es sich um robuste und stabile Pedale handelt.
Parts by Brand LifeFitness Bikes Life Cycle R9, R9i Recumbent R9i, R9-0100-01
Parts by Brand LifeFitness Bikes Life Cycle C7i, C7 Upright C7i, Serial# 000100-005468
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes E-UB8040 9-8040-MUSAP0
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes U5x U5-G1, MCB32, 2002-2004
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes R5x R5x-05, PRB307-US-F and EP612, 2014
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes R5x R5x, EP90B and RB91B, 2012
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes H5x H5x-02-G4, CB72 and EP90, 2009
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes Airdynes Airdyne 2, AD2, SKU 100425
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 920/920 HRC All
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 230, MY13 SKU 100337
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 230 SKU 100514
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 215P All
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 130 130, Canada, SKU 100607
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 105P/PT 105 All
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes ProBike 6300 9-6330-SUSAP0
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 150 Upright SKU 100237
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes ProBike 6400 PRxxxxxxxx
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes E-RB8070 9-8070-MINTP0
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes E-RB8020 9-8020-MUSAP0
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes U5x U5x-04, CB75B and EP612, 2013
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes U3x U3x-06 Upright Cycle
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes R5x R5x-05-G2, MRB50B, 2005
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes R3x R3x, EP603 and PRB307-US-F, 2014
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes H5x H5x-04, CB72B and EP612, 2013
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes DX900 All
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes Airdynes Airdyne 2, AD2, SKU 100731
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 230, Canada SKU 100589 100589
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 130 130, SKU 100512
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 130 130, Canada, SKU 100444
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes ProBike 6400 9-6430-MINTP0
Parts by Brand LifeFitness Bikes Life Cycle R7, R7i Recumbent R7i SN All
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes S Series S-UB, S Series S-RB S-RBx SKU 9-3080-MINTP0
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes E-UB8040 9-8040-MINTP0
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes E-RB8090 9-8090-MUNBP0
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes U3x U3x, EP603 and CB75B, 2012
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes R5x All
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes R3x R3xe, EP604 and RB91B, 2012
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes R3x R3x-01-G4, RB303, 2009
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes H3x H3x-06 Hybrid Cycle
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes Airdynes Airdyne Evo Pro/Comp, Short Fan, All
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes Airdynes Airdyne 3, AD3, Big Fan, All
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes Airdynes Airdyne 2, AD2, MY14, All
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 910i Elite All
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Parts by Brand LifeFitness Bikes Life Cycle C7i, C7 Upright C7i, C7-0100-01
Parts by Brand LifeFitness Bikes Life Cycle C3 C3-XX0X-0203, Serial#s All
Parts by Brand StairMaster Bikes 3600RC Spinnaker All
Parts by Brand StairMaster Bikes 3300CE Stratus All
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes U5x U5x, EP90B and CB75B, 2012
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes U3x U3x-01-G4, CB86, 2009
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes R5x R5-G1, MRB50, 2002-2004
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes H5x H5x, EP90B and CB72B, 2012
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes H3x H3xe, EP604 and CB72B, 2012
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes H3x H3x-01-G4, CB87, 2009
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes Airdynes Airdyne 6, AD6, SKU 100250
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes Airdynes Airdyne 2i, AD2i, SKU 100430
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 910/910 HRC All
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 130 130, MY13 Litho
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Parts by Brand LifeFitness Bikes Life Cycle C9i, C9 Upright C9i, C9-0100-01
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes UB4300 U1 or U3xxxx
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes U5x U5x-06-G3, CB65, 2006-2008
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes S Series S-UB, S Series S-RB S-UBx SKU 9-3050-MINTP0
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes U5x U5x-02-G4, CB75 and EP90, 2009
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes U3x U3x, EP603 and PCB92-US-F, 2014
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes R5x R5x-04, RB91B and EP612, 2013
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes H5x H5x-05, PCB93 and EP612, 2014
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes H3x H3x, EP603 and PCB93, 2014
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 220P All
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 130 130, Canada, SKU 100588
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Parts by Brand StairMaster Bikes 3000CE Spinnaker All
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 145 SKU 100308
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes SportBike RB4900 RBxxxxx
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes U5x U5x-05-G2, MCB32B, 2005
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes E-RB8050 9-8050-MUSAP0
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes U3x U3xe, EP604 and CB75B, 2012
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes R5x R5x-06-G3, RB83, 2006-2008
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes R3x R3x, EP603 and RB91B, 2012
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 230, Canada, SKU 100608 100608
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 230 Litho, MY13 All
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes S Series S-UB, S Series S-RB S-RB SKU 9-3070-MINTP0
Parts by Brand LifeFitness Bikes Life Cycle C9i, C9 Upright C9i, Serial# 000100-001472
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes E-UB8080 9-8080-MUNBP0
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes R5x R5x-02-G4, RB91 and EP90, 2009
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes H5x H5x-06-G3, CB64, 2006-2008
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes H3x H3x, EP603 and CB72B, 2012
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes Backdraft All
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes Airdynes Airdyne 2, AD2, SKU 100216
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 920i Elite All
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 130 130, MY13, SKU 100335
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes S Series S-UB, S Series S-RB S-UB SKU 9-3040-MINTP0
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes ProBike 6300 9-6330-SINTP0
Parts by Brand LifeFitness Bikes Life Cycle C3 C3-0100-01, Serial#s All
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Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 250 Recumbent SKU 100238
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 245 SKU 100309
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes SportBike UB4800 UBxxxxx
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes ProBike 5400 R5xxxxx
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes ProBike 5300 U5xxxxx
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes ProBike 6300 PBxxxxxxxx
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Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes E-UB8000 9-8000-MUSAP0
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes E-RB8050 9-8050-MINTP0
Parts by Brand Matrix Bikes R3x R3x-05 Recumbent Cycle
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes Airdynes Airdyne 4, AD4, Big Fan, All
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 230, Canada, SKU 100445 100445
Parts by Brand Schwinn Bikes 205P/PT 205 All
Parts by Brand StarTrac Bikes ProBike 6300 9-6330-MINTP0
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